Welcome to a world without financial barriers.
Meet a flexible fintech company bringing clear and rewarding services to the emerging markets and the rest of the world.
BKN301 exists to let everyone’s financial life flow fairly and freely, without worry.
By partnering with companies and collaborating across countries, we envision and provide the safest and most engaging experience ever, everywhere.
Our new digital environment gives full access to trade and development opportunities—all delivered with the finest technology right at your fingertips, so you gain back irreplaceable values, like time.
Here, there and everywhere
We’re the first fintech company born in San Marino Republic to offer e-money services anywhere, to anyone.
Doors wide open
People or businesses can take new chances, make conscious decisions and grow up fast.
No strings attached
Anyone with a digital device will self-manage all things electronic payments, without intermediaries.
Crystalline transparency
We guarantee fluidity and clarity from the first to the last step in all exchange, payment and savings processes.
We’re bringing to you
Mobile Wallet

Saving and protecting payment data on mobile devices for real-time, contactless purchases—all clutter-free.
Loyalty programs

Rewarding each customer with special prizes, discounts and dedicated experiences.
Remittance services

Ensuring legitimate and protected large transfers, and guaranteeing full access to sent and received amounts.
Peer to Peer

Easily and instantly enabling simple, informal transactions between groups or acquaintances.
Credit and prepaid cards

Farewell forever, cash. Allowing everyone to move, withdraw or load them anytime, anywhere.
We’re unlocking every possible chance of connection and growth.